Self-care can mean a lot of different things and everyone practices it a little differently. We wanted to highlight some of the ways that our team has been taking care of our well-being. To celebrate the new year, we decided to treat ourselves to facemasks.
Finding time to rest and relax is an important part of sustainable working habits. Some members of our team use candles and soft music to relax. Elizabeth sticks to a meditation routine and Jenn likes quiet days.
Taking care of ourselves involves more than just the ways in which we relax, itis also sticking with healthy routines. Here are some of the best ways to start your day, according to the GLO team:
Courtney: Coffee
Pam: A solid night’s rest
Jenn: Coffee, socks, and pups!
Elizabeth: A (COVID-19 compliant) walk with close friends.
Lily: Upbeat music
There is a whole list of ways to practice self-care that works for your life, whether it be for your physical, mental, or any other part of your well-being! This could look like daily routines that help support your goals or treating yourself to something special. Finding what helps you recharge is important, whether it’s daily increments of exercise, walks in sunny weather, or guilty pleasures like reality TV shows. Let us know how you relax and recharge!