Protect Your Data: How Blacklight Can Help You Avoid Mortgage Broker Websites Sharing Your Data with Facebook

How Mortgage Broker Websites Share Your Data

Mortgage broker websites share sensitive user data, such as estimated credit scores, addresses, and veteran status, with Facebook via Meta Pixel. This small software collects information as users fill out applications and browse home-buying pages, transmitting it to Facebook to develop more targeted ads.

Avoid Data Sharing with Blacklight

Users applying for a mortgage can avoid their information being shared with Facebook by using tools like Blacklight. Developed by The Markup, Blacklight is a “real-time privacy inspector” that reveals which mortgage broker websites share users’ information.

How Blacklight Protects Your Privacy

Blacklight helps users identify and avoid websites that track personal information by scanning for various tracking technologies:

  • Ad Trackers and Third-Party Cookies: Blacklight scans for ad trackers and third-party cookies, which profile users based on their internet usage.
  • Canvas Fingerprinting: Blacklight identifies trackers using canvas fingerprinting, which creates a unique image on your computer to track you across different websites.
  • Session Recording: The tool detects websites that record user sessions, capturing clicks and scrolls on a page.
  • Keystroke Logging: Blacklight spots websites that track and record individual keys pressed by users in real time.
  • Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics: Blacklight identifies websites with Facebook Pixel code or tracking permissions granted to Google Analytics.

Take Control of Your Data

Using Blacklight is a proactive step in protecting your personal information. Regularly scan the websites you visit to stay informed and take control of your data.

For more information check out our services or contact us today.

(This is not intended as legal advice. Contact a lawyer for assistance in your particular situation.)